If you are guarding your data behind a hard shell PL/SQL API as Bryn Llewellyn, Toon Koppelaars and others recommend, then it should be quite easy to prove, that your PL/SQL application is secured against SQL injection attacks. The basic idea is 1) that you do not expose data via tables nor views to Oracle users used in the middle-tier, by end-users and in the GUI; and 2) that you use only static SQL within PL/SQL packages. By following these two rules, you ensure that only SQL statements with bind variables are used in your application, making the injection of unwanted SQL fragments impossible. In this blog post I show how to check if an application is complying to these two rules.
Demo Applications
I’ve prepared three tiny demo applications to visualise what guarding data behind a hard shell PL/SQL API means and how static and dynamic SQL can be used within Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2). You may install these applications using this script.
The Good
The table T is stored in the schema THE_GOOD_DATA and grants SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE privileges to the schema THE_GOOD_API. This schema owns the PL/SQL package PKG, which implements the data access to table T via static SQL to eliminate the risk of SQL injection. The EXECUTE right on PKG is granted to THE_GOOD_USER. This user has the CONNECT role only and can be safely configured in the connection pool of the middle tier application.
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY the_good_api.pkg AS FUNCTION f2 ( p_c2 IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN CLOB IS l_result CLOB; l_c2 the_good_data.t.c2%TYPE; BEGIN l_c2 := p_c2; SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG ( JSON_OBJECT ( 'c1' value c1, 'c2' value c2 ) RETURNING CLOB ) INTO l_result FROM the_good_data.t WHERE lower(c2) LIKE '%' || lower(l_c2) || '%'; RETURN l_result; END f2; END pkg;
The Bad
This application looks very similar to “The Good”. One difference is, that the access to table T is implemented through dynamic SQL. There is also a private PL/SQL package named PKG2 which does a series of bad things with dynamic SQL. The implementation of all dynamic SQL is safe, there is no SQL injection possible. However, it is difficult to come to this conclusion by static code analysis and since the use of dynamic SQL is not necessary, this application is considered bad.
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY the_bad_api.pkg AS FUNCTION f2 ( p_c2 IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN CLOB IS co_sql_template CONSTANT CLOB := q'[ SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG ( JSON_OBJECT ( 'c1' value c1, 'c2' value c2 ) RETURNING CLOB ) FROM the_bad_data.t WHERE lower(c2) LIKE '%' || lower(:c2_bind) || '%' ]'; l_result CLOB; l_c2 the_bad_data.t.c2%TYPE; BEGIN l_c2 := p_c2; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE co_sql_template INTO l_result USING l_c2; RETURN l_result; END f2; END pkg;
The Ugly
The table T is stored in the schema THE_UGLY_DATA and grants SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE privileges to THE_UGLY_USER. This user has the CONNECT role only. This is good and prohibits schema extensions. But without a PL/SQL API layer, there is no way to prevent SQL injection in the database. This is now becoming a responsibility of the middle tier application along with other duties such as data consistency and efficient data processing.
/* not available * * Query is crafted in * the middle tier application */
[ { "c1": 2, "c2": "I like SQL." }, { "c1": 3, "c2": "And JSON is part of SQL and PL/SQL." } ]
Rule 1) Do not expose data via tables nor views
The idea behind a hard shell PL/SQL is to expose data through PL/SQL units only. Direct access to tables or views are unwanted. The Oracle users configured in the connection pool of the middle tier, need the CONNECT role and EXECUTE rights on the PL/SQL API only. These rights may be granted directly or indirectly via various levels of Oracle roles.
The following query shows if an Oracle database user is ready to be used in the middle tier application. Oracle users maintained by Oracle itself, such as SYS, SYSTEM, SYSAUX, etc. are excluded along with some other users which grant objects to PUBLIC (see line 35 to 38). To execute this query you need the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE.
WITH -- roles as recursive structure role_base AS ( -- roles without parent (=roots) SELECT r.role, NULL AS parent_role FROM dba_roles r WHERE r.role NOT IN ( SELECT p.granted_role FROM role_role_privs p ) UNION ALL -- roles with parent (=children) SELECT granted_role AS role, role AS parent_role FROM role_role_privs ), -- roles tree, calculate role_path for every hierarchy level role_tree AS ( SELECT role, parent_role, sys_connect_by_path(ROLE, '/') AS role_path FROM role_base CONNECT BY PRIOR role = parent_role ), -- roles graph, child added to all ancestors including self -- allows simple join to parent_role to find all descendants role_graph AS ( SELECT DISTINCT role, regexp_substr(role_path, '(/)(\w+)', 1, 1, 'i', 2) AS parent_role FROM role_tree ), -- application users in scope of the analysis -- other users are treated as if they were not istalled app_user AS ( SELECT username FROM dba_users WHERE oracle_maintained = 'N' -- SYS, SYSTEM, SYSAUX, ... AND username NOT IN ('FTLDB', 'PLSCOPE') ), -- user system privileges sys_priv AS ( -- system privileges granted directly to users SELECT u.username, p.privilege FROM dba_sys_privs p JOIN app_user u ON u.username = p.grantee UNION -- system privileges granted directly to PUBLIC SELECT u.username, p.privilege FROM dba_sys_privs p CROSS JOIN app_user u WHERE p.grantee = 'PUBLIC' AND p.privilege NOT IN ( SELECT r.role FROM dba_roles r ) UNION -- system privileges granted to users via roles SELECT u.username, p.privilege FROM dba_role_privs r JOIN app_user u ON u.username = r.grantee JOIN role_graph g ON g.parent_role = r.granted_role JOIN dba_sys_privs p ON p.grantee = g.role UNION -- system privileges granted to PUBLIC via roles SELECT u.username, p.privilege FROM dba_role_privs r JOIN role_graph g ON g.parent_role = r.granted_role JOIN dba_sys_privs p ON p.grantee = g.role CROSS JOIN app_user u WHERE r.grantee = 'PUBLIC' ), -- user object privileges obj_priv AS ( -- objects granted directly to users SELECT u.username, p.owner, p.type AS object_type, p.table_name AS object_name FROM dba_tab_privs p JOIN app_user u ON u.username = p.grantee WHERE p.owner IN ( SELECT u2.username FROM app_user u2 ) UNION -- objects granted to users via roles SELECT u.username, p.owner, p.type AS object_type, p.table_name AS object_name FROM dba_role_privs r JOIN app_user u ON u.username = r.grantee JOIN role_graph g ON g.parent_role = r.granted_role JOIN dba_tab_privs p ON p.grantee = g.role WHERE p.owner IN ( SELECT u2.username FROM app_user u2 ) -- objects granted to PUBLIC UNION SELECT u.username, p.owner, p.type AS object_type, p.table_name AS object_name FROM dba_tab_privs p CROSS JOIN app_user u WHERE p.owner IN ( SELECT u2.username FROM app_user u2 ) AND p.grantee = 'PUBLIC' ), -- issues if user is configured in the connection pool of a middle tier issues AS ( -- privileges not part of CONNECT role SELECT username, 'SYS' AS owner, 'PRIVILEGE' AS object_type, privilege AS object_name, 'Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role' AS issue FROM sys_priv WHERE privilege NOT IN ('CREATE SESSION', 'SET CONTAINER') UNION ALL -- access to non PL/SQL units SELECT username, owner, object_type, object_name, 'Access to non-PL/SQL unit' FROM obj_priv WHERE object_type NOT IN ('PACKAGE', 'TYPE', 'FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE') -- own objects UNION ALL SELECT u.username, o.owner, o.object_type, o.object_name, 'Connect user must not own any object' FROM app_user u JOIN dba_objects o ON o.owner = u.username -- missing CREATE SESSION privilege UNION ALL SELECT u.username, 'SYS', 'PRIVILEGE', 'CREATE SESSION', 'Privilege is missing, but required' FROM app_user u WHERE u.username NOT IN ( SELECT username FROM sys_priv WHERE privilege = 'CREATE SESSION' ) ), -- aggregate issues per user issue_aggr AS ( SELECT u.username, COUNT(i.username) issue_count FROM app_user u LEFT JOIN issues i ON i.username = u.username GROUP BY u.username ), -- user summary (calculate is_connect_user_ready) summary AS ( SELECT username, CASE WHEN issue_count = 0 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END AS is_connect_user_ready, issue_count FROM issue_aggr ORDER BY is_connect_user_ready DESC, username ) -- main SELECT * FROM summary WHERE username LIKE 'THE%'; USERNAME IS_CONNECT_USER_READY ISSUE_COUNT ------------- --------------------- ----------- THE_BAD_USER YES 0 THE_GOOD_USER YES 0 THE_BAD_API NO 9 THE_BAD_DATA NO 3 THE_GOOD_API NO 4 THE_GOOD_DATA NO 3 THE_UGLY_DATA NO 10 THE_UGLY_USER NO 1 8 rows selected.
Just THE_GOOD_USER and THE_BAD_USER are ready to be used in the middle tier. To see the issues of all other users you may simply change the main part of the query as follows:
WITH -- roles as recursive structure role_base AS ( -- roles without parent (=roots) SELECT r.role, NULL AS parent_role FROM dba_roles r WHERE r.role NOT IN ( SELECT p.granted_role FROM role_role_privs p ) UNION ALL -- roles with parent (=children) SELECT granted_role AS role, role AS parent_role FROM role_role_privs ), -- roles tree, calculate role_path for every hierarchy level role_tree AS ( SELECT role, parent_role, sys_connect_by_path(ROLE, '/') AS role_path FROM role_base CONNECT BY PRIOR role = parent_role ), -- roles graph, child added to all ancestors including self -- allows simple join to parent_role to find all descendants role_graph AS ( SELECT DISTINCT role, regexp_substr(role_path, '(/)(\w+)', 1, 1, 'i', 2) AS parent_role FROM role_tree ), -- application users in scope of the analysis -- other users are treated as if they were not istalled app_user AS ( SELECT username FROM dba_users WHERE oracle_maintained = 'N' -- SYS, SYSTEM, SYSAUX, ... AND username NOT IN ('FTLDB', 'PLSCOPE') ), -- user system privileges sys_priv AS ( -- system privileges granted directly to users SELECT u.username, p.privilege FROM dba_sys_privs p JOIN app_user u ON u.username = p.grantee UNION -- system privileges granted directly to PUBLIC SELECT u.username, p.privilege FROM dba_sys_privs p CROSS JOIN app_user u WHERE p.grantee = 'PUBLIC' AND p.privilege NOT IN ( SELECT r.role FROM dba_roles r ) UNION -- system privileges granted to users via roles SELECT u.username, p.privilege FROM dba_role_privs r JOIN app_user u ON u.username = r.grantee JOIN role_graph g ON g.parent_role = r.granted_role JOIN dba_sys_privs p ON p.grantee = g.role UNION -- system privileges granted to PUBLIC via roles SELECT u.username, p.privilege FROM dba_role_privs r JOIN role_graph g ON g.parent_role = r.granted_role JOIN dba_sys_privs p ON p.grantee = g.role CROSS JOIN app_user u WHERE r.grantee = 'PUBLIC' ), -- user object privileges obj_priv AS ( -- objects granted directly to users SELECT u.username, p.owner, p.type AS object_type, p.table_name AS object_name FROM dba_tab_privs p JOIN app_user u ON u.username = p.grantee WHERE p.owner IN ( SELECT u2.username FROM app_user u2 ) UNION -- objects granted to users via roles SELECT u.username, p.owner, p.type AS object_type, p.table_name AS object_name FROM dba_role_privs r JOIN app_user u ON u.username = r.grantee JOIN role_graph g ON g.parent_role = r.granted_role JOIN dba_tab_privs p ON p.grantee = g.role WHERE p.owner IN ( SELECT u2.username FROM app_user u2 ) -- objects granted to PUBLIC UNION SELECT u.username, p.owner, p.type AS object_type, p.table_name AS object_name FROM dba_tab_privs p CROSS JOIN app_user u WHERE p.owner IN ( SELECT u2.username FROM app_user u2 ) AND p.grantee = 'PUBLIC' ), -- issues if user is configured in the connection pool of a middle tier issues AS ( -- privileges not part of CONNECT role SELECT username, 'SYS' AS owner, 'PRIVILEGE' AS object_type, privilege AS object_name, 'Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role' AS issue FROM sys_priv WHERE privilege NOT IN ('CREATE SESSION', 'SET CONTAINER') UNION ALL -- access to non PL/SQL units SELECT username, owner, object_type, object_name, 'Access to non-PL/SQL unit' FROM obj_priv WHERE object_type NOT IN ('PACKAGE', 'TYPE', 'FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE') -- own objects UNION ALL SELECT u.username, o.owner, o.object_type, o.object_name, 'Connect user must not own any object' FROM app_user u JOIN dba_objects o ON o.owner = u.username -- missing CREATE SESSION privilege UNION ALL SELECT u.username, 'SYS', 'PRIVILEGE', 'CREATE SESSION', 'Privilege is missing, but required' FROM app_user u WHERE u.username NOT IN ( SELECT username FROM sys_priv WHERE privilege = 'CREATE SESSION' ) ), -- aggregate issues per user issue_aggr AS ( SELECT u.username, COUNT(i.username) issue_count FROM app_user u LEFT JOIN issues i ON i.username = u.username GROUP BY u.username ), -- user summary (calculate is_connect_user_ready) summary AS ( SELECT username, CASE WHEN issue_count = 0 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END AS is_connect_user_ready, issue_count FROM issue_aggr ORDER BY is_connect_user_ready DESC, username ) -- main SELECT * FROM issues WHERE username LIKE 'THE%' ORDER BY username, owner, object_type, object_name; USERNAME OWNER OBJECT_TYPE OBJECT_NAME ISSUE ------------- ------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------------------------------- THE_BAD_API SYS PRIVILEGE CREATE DATABASE LINK Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role THE_BAD_API SYS PRIVILEGE CREATE PROCEDURE Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role THE_BAD_API THE_BAD_API JAVA CLASS C Connect user must not own any object THE_BAD_API THE_BAD_API JAVA SOURCE C Connect user must not own any object THE_BAD_API THE_BAD_API PACKAGE PKG Connect user must not own any object THE_BAD_API THE_BAD_API PACKAGE PKG2 Connect user must not own any object THE_BAD_API THE_BAD_API PACKAGE BODY PKG Connect user must not own any object THE_BAD_API THE_BAD_API PACKAGE BODY PKG2 Connect user must not own any object THE_BAD_API THE_BAD_DATA TABLE T Access to non-PL/SQL unit THE_BAD_DATA SYS PRIVILEGE CREATE TABLE Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role THE_BAD_DATA THE_BAD_DATA INDEX SYS_C0012875 Connect user must not own any object THE_BAD_DATA THE_BAD_DATA TABLE T Connect user must not own any object THE_GOOD_API SYS PRIVILEGE CREATE PROCEDURE Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role THE_GOOD_API THE_GOOD_API PACKAGE PKG Connect user must not own any object THE_GOOD_API THE_GOOD_API PACKAGE BODY PKG Connect user must not own any object THE_GOOD_API THE_GOOD_DATA TABLE T Access to non-PL/SQL unit THE_GOOD_DATA SYS PRIVILEGE CREATE TABLE Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role THE_GOOD_DATA THE_GOOD_DATA INDEX SYS_C0012873 Connect user must not own any object THE_GOOD_DATA THE_GOOD_DATA TABLE T Connect user must not own any object THE_UGLY_DATA SYS PRIVILEGE CREATE CLUSTER Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role THE_UGLY_DATA SYS PRIVILEGE CREATE INDEXTYPE Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role THE_UGLY_DATA SYS PRIVILEGE CREATE OPERATOR Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role THE_UGLY_DATA SYS PRIVILEGE CREATE PROCEDURE Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role THE_UGLY_DATA SYS PRIVILEGE CREATE SEQUENCE Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role THE_UGLY_DATA SYS PRIVILEGE CREATE TABLE Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role THE_UGLY_DATA SYS PRIVILEGE CREATE TRIGGER Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role THE_UGLY_DATA SYS PRIVILEGE CREATE TYPE Privilege is not part of the CONNECT role THE_UGLY_DATA THE_UGLY_DATA INDEX SYS_C0012877 Connect user must not own any object THE_UGLY_DATA THE_UGLY_DATA TABLE T Connect user must not own any object THE_UGLY_USER THE_UGLY_DATA TABLE T Access to non-PL/SQL unit 30 rows selected.
THE_UGLY_USER has access to table T owned by THE_UGLY_DATA. This violates clearly rule 1.
However, it is important to note, that we have excluded all Oracle maintained users from the analysis. So let’s have a look at all the tables and views granted to PUBLIC by the Oracle maintained users.
WITH public_privs AS ( SELECT p.owner, p.type AS object_type, p.privilege, count(*) AS priv_count FROM dba_tab_privs p WHERE p.grantee = 'PUBLIC' AND p.type IN ('VIEW', 'TABLE') AND p.owner IN ( SELECT u2.username FROM dba_users u2 WHERE u2.oracle_maintained = 'Y' ) GROUP BY p.owner, p.type, p.privilege ), public_privs_pivot AS ( SELECT owner, object_type, insert_priv, update_priv, delete_priv, select_priv, -- allows SELECT ... FOR UPDATE ... read_priv, -- does not allow SELECT ... FOR UPDATE ... flashback_priv, nvl(insert_priv,0) + nvl(update_priv,0) + nvl(delete_priv,0) + nvl(select_priv,0) + nvl(read_priv,0) + nvl(flashback_priv,0) AS total_priv FROM public_privs PIVOT ( sum(priv_count) FOR privilege IN ( 'INSERT' AS insert_priv, 'UPDATE' AS update_priv, 'DELETE' AS delete_priv, 'SELECT' AS select_priv, 'READ' AS read_priv, 'FLASHBACK' AS flashback_priv ) ) ORDER BY owner ), public_privs_report AS ( SELECT owner, object_type, sum(insert_priv) AS "INSERT", sum(update_priv) AS "UPDATE", sum(delete_priv) AS "DELETE", sum(select_priv) AS "SELECT", sum(read_priv) AS "READ", sum(flashback_priv) AS "FLASHBACK", sum(total_priv) AS "TOTAL" FROM public_privs_pivot GROUP BY ROLLUP(owner, object_type) HAVING (GROUPING(owner), GROUPING(object_type)) IN ((0,0), (1,1)) ORDER BY owner, object_type ) -- main SELECT * FROM public_privs_report; OWNER OBJECT_TYPE INSERT UPDATE DELETE SELECT READ FLASHBACK TOTAL ----------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- APEX_050100 VIEW 1 1 4 5 192 203 CTXSYS TABLE 1 4 5 CTXSYS VIEW 11 5 8 12 51 87 GSMADMIN_INTERNAL VIEW 3 3 LBACSYS VIEW 18 18 MDSYS TABLE 21 14 19 21 36 111 MDSYS VIEW 27 26 26 26 68 173 OLAPSYS VIEW 18 18 ORDDATA VIEW 1 5 6 ORDSYS VIEW 5 5 ORDS_METADATA VIEW 20 20 SYS TABLE 21 10 16 30 12 89 SYS VIEW 1 1717 2 1720 SYSTEM TABLE 3 3 3 4 13 SYSTEM VIEW 1 1 WMSYS VIEW 40 40 XDB TABLE 8 6 8 8 14 44 XDB VIEW 2 2 2 2 3 11 94 67 87 131 2186 2 2567 19 rows selected.
Even THE_GOOD_USER has access to 2317 views and tables. To reduce this number we have to uninstall some components, but that’s just a drop in the ocean. There is currently no way to create on Oracle user without access to views and tables. Hence we just have to focus on our application and our data.
Rule 2) Use only static SQL within PL/SQL
If you use just static SQL in your PL/SQL units, then no SQL injection is possible. The absence of dynamic SQL proves that your application is secured against SQL injection attacks. Of course, there are good reasons for dynamic SQL. But proving that a dynamic SQL is not injectable is difficult. Checking for the absence of dynamic SQL is the simpler approach, even if it is not that easy as I’ve initially thought.
In How to write SQL injection proof PL/SQL the following ways are mentioned to implement dynamic SQL:
- native dynamic SQL (EXECUTE IMMEDIATE)
But there are more ways to execute dynamic SQL, such as:
- Open-For Statement
- Java Stored Procedure
It’s difficult to get a complete list, due to the fact the the Oracle-supplied subprograms are wrapped and often the SQL statement is hidden behind a C API. That leaves us basically two options
- Use a list of Oracle-supplied packages and/or subprograms to identify dynamic SQL, even if the list might be incomplete
- Suspect that any Oracle-supplied subprogram may contain dynamic SQL, except some trusted packages such as “DBMS_STANDARD” and “STANDARD”
Both options are not very appealing. But I’m in favour of option 1. At a certain point I have to focus on my application code and assume/trust, that the Oracle supplied packages are doing their part to reduce the risk of SQL injection.
The following object types may contain PL/SQL and have to be checked for dynamic SQL:
What if we call services outside of the database via REST calls or via AQ messages? I think we may ignore these cases. They are not part of this application anymore and even if the services call this database, they have to go through the hard shell, and these are PL/SQL units already covered.
We need PL/Scope metadata for some checks. The following anonymous PL/SQL block produces these data. Be aware that the application code and some SYS objects are compiled. Invalid, dependent objects will be recompiled at the end. Nonetheless, you should not run this code in your production environment.
DECLARE PROCEDURE enable_plscope IS BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE q'[ALTER SESSION SET plscope_settings='IDENTIFIERS:ALL, STATEMENTS:ALL']'; END enable_plscope; -- PROCEDURE compile_defs_without_plscope IS BEGIN <<compile_definition>> FOR r IN ( WITH -- application users in scope of the analysis -- other users are treated as if they were not istalled app_user AS ( SELECT username FROM dba_users WHERE oracle_maintained = 'N' ), -- objects for which PL/Scope metadata is required obj AS ( SELECT o.owner, o.object_type, o.object_name FROM dba_objects o WHERE object_name IN ('DBMS_UTILITY', 'OWA_UTIL') AND object_type IN ('PACKAGE', 'SYNONYM') UNION ALL SELECT o.owner, o.object_type, o.object_name FROM dba_objects o JOIN app_user u ON u.username = o.owner WHERE object_type IN ('PACKAGE BODY', 'TYPE BODY', 'FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE', 'TRIGGER') ), -- objects without PL/Scope metadata missing_plscope_obj AS ( SELECT o.owner, o.object_type, o.object_name FROM obj o LEFT JOIN dba_identifiers i ON i.owner = o.owner AND i.object_type = o.object_type AND i.object_name = o.object_name AND i.usage_context_id = 0 WHERE i.usage_context_id IS NULL ), -- all objects to recompile and (re)gather PL/Scope metadata compile_scope AS ( SELECT o.owner, o.object_type, o.object_name FROM obj o WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM missing_plscope_obj o2 WHERE o2.owner = 'SYS' ) UNION ALL SELECT owner, object_type, object_name FROM missing_plscope_obj WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM missing_plscope_obj o2 WHERE o2.owner = 'SYS' ) ), -- compile statement required to produce PL/Scope metadata compile_stmt AS ( SELECT 'ALTER ' || replace(object_type, ' BODY') || ' "' || owner || '"."' || object_name || '" COMPILE' || CASE WHEN object_type LIKE '%BODY' THEN ' BODY' END AS stmt FROM compile_scope ) -- main SELECT stmt FROM compile_stmt ) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE r.stmt; END LOOP compile_definition; END compile_defs_without_plscope; -- PROCEDURE recompile_invalids IS BEGIN <<schemas_with_invalids>> FOR r IN ( SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM dba_objects WHERE status != 'VALID' ORDER BY CASE owner WHEN 'SYS' THEN 1 WHEN 'SYSTEM' THEN 2 ELSE 3 END, owner ) LOOP utl_recomp.recomp_serial(r.owner); END LOOP schemas_with_invalids; END recompile_invalids; BEGIN enable_plscope; compile_defs_without_plscope; recompile_invalids; END; /
Here’s the query to check application users.
WITH app_user AS ( SELECT username FROM dba_users WHERE oracle_maintained = 'N' ), obj AS ( SELECT o.owner, o.object_type, o.object_name FROM dba_objects o JOIN app_user u ON u.username = o.owner WHERE object_type IN ('PACKAGE BODY', 'TYPE BODY', 'FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE', 'TRIGGER') ), missing_plscope_obj AS ( SELECT o.owner, o.object_type, o.object_name FROM obj o LEFT JOIN dba_identifiers i ON i.owner = o.owner AND i.object_type = o.object_type AND i.object_name = o.object_name AND i.usage_context_id = 0 WHERE i.usage_context_id IS NULL ), stmt AS ( SELECT s.owner, s.object_type, s.object_name, s.type, s.line, s.col FROM dba_statements s JOIN app_user u ON u.username = s.owner WHERE s.type IN ('EXECUTE IMMEDIATE', 'OPEN') ), dep AS ( SELECT d.owner, d.name as object_name, d.type as object_type, d.referenced_name FROM dba_dependencies d JOIN app_user u ON u.username = d.owner WHERE d.referenced_name IN ( 'DBMS_SQL', 'DBMS_DDL', 'DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH', 'DBMS_SYS_SQL' ) ), issues AS ( SELECT owner, object_type, object_name, type AS potential_sqli_risk FROM stmt WHERE type = 'EXECUTE IMMEDIATE' UNION SELECT stmt.owner, stmt.object_type, stmt.object_name, 'OPEN-FOR WITH DYNAMIC SQL' FROM stmt JOIN dba_source src ON src.owner = stmt.owner AND src.type = stmt.object_type AND src.name = stmt.object_name AND src.line = stmt.line WHERE stmt.type = 'OPEN' AND regexp_substr(substr(src.text, stmt.col), '^open\s+', 1, 1, 'i') IS NULL AND regexp_substr(substr(src.text, stmt.col), '^("?\w+"?|q?'')', 1, 1, 'i') IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT owner, object_type, object_name, referenced_name FROM dep UNION SELECT i.owner, i.object_type, i.object_name, r.object_name || '.' || r.name FROM dba_identifiers i JOIN app_user u ON u.username = i.owner JOIN dba_identifiers r ON r.signature = i.signature AND r.usage = 'DECLARATION' WHERE i.usage = 'CALL' AND r.owner = 'SYS' AND r.object_type = 'PACKAGE' AND (r.object_name, r.name) IN ( ('DBMS_UTILITY', 'EXEC_DDL_STATEMENT'), ('OWA_UTIL', 'BIND_VARIABLES'), ('OWA_UTIL', 'LISTPRINT'), ('OWA_UTIL', 'TABLEPRINT') ) UNION SELECT o.owner, o.object_type, o.object_name, 'SQL FROM JAVA SUSPECTED' FROM dba_objects o JOIN app_user u ON u.username = o.owner WHERE o.object_type = 'JAVA CLASS' UNION SELECT owner, object_type, object_name, 'PL/SCOPE METADATA MISSING' FROM missing_plscope_obj ), issue_aggr AS ( SELECT u.username AS owner, COUNT(i.owner) issue_count FROM app_user u LEFT JOIN issues i ON i.owner = u.username GROUP BY u.username ), summary AS ( SELECT owner, CASE WHEN issue_count = 0 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END AS is_user_sql_injection_free, issue_count FROM issue_aggr ORDER BY is_user_sql_injection_free DESC, owner ) -- main SELECT * FROM summary WHERE owner LIKE 'THE%'; OWNER IS_USER_SQL_INJECTION_FREE ISSUE_COUNT ------------- -------------------------- ----------- THE_BAD_DATA YES 0 THE_BAD_USER YES 0 THE_GOOD_API YES 0 THE_GOOD_DATA YES 0 THE_GOOD_USER YES 0 THE_UGLY_DATA YES 0 THE_UGLY_USER YES 0 THE_BAD_API NO 9 8 rows selected.
To see the issues of THE_BAD_API you may simply change the main part of the query as follows:
WITH app_user AS ( SELECT username FROM dba_users WHERE oracle_maintained = 'N' ), obj AS ( SELECT o.owner, o.object_type, o.object_name FROM dba_objects o JOIN app_user u ON u.username = o.owner WHERE object_type IN ('PACKAGE BODY', 'TYPE BODY', 'FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE', 'TRIGGER') ), missing_plscope_obj AS ( SELECT o.owner, o.object_type, o.object_name FROM obj o LEFT JOIN dba_identifiers i ON i.owner = o.owner AND i.object_type = o.object_type AND i.object_name = o.object_name AND i.usage_context_id = 0 WHERE i.usage_context_id IS NULL ), stmt AS ( SELECT s.owner, s.object_type, s.object_name, s.type, s.line, s.col FROM dba_statements s JOIN app_user u ON u.username = s.owner WHERE s.type IN ('EXECUTE IMMEDIATE', 'OPEN') ), dep AS ( SELECT d.owner, d.name as object_name, d.type as object_type, d.referenced_name FROM dba_dependencies d JOIN app_user u ON u.username = d.owner WHERE d.referenced_name IN ( 'DBMS_SQL', 'DBMS_DDL', 'DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH', 'DBMS_SYS_SQL' ) ), issues AS ( SELECT owner, object_type, object_name, type AS potential_sqli_risk FROM stmt WHERE type = 'EXECUTE IMMEDIATE' UNION SELECT stmt.owner, stmt.object_type, stmt.object_name, 'OPEN-FOR WITH DYNAMIC SQL' FROM stmt JOIN dba_source src ON src.owner = stmt.owner AND src.type = stmt.object_type AND src.name = stmt.object_name AND src.line = stmt.line WHERE stmt.type = 'OPEN' AND regexp_substr(substr(src.text, stmt.col), '^open\s+', 1, 1, 'i') IS NULL AND regexp_substr(substr(src.text, stmt.col), '^("?\w+"?|q?'')', 1, 1, 'i') IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT owner, object_type, object_name, referenced_name FROM dep UNION SELECT i.owner, i.object_type, i.object_name, r.object_name || '.' || r.name FROM dba_identifiers i JOIN app_user u ON u.username = i.owner JOIN dba_identifiers r ON r.signature = i.signature AND r.usage = 'DECLARATION' WHERE i.usage = 'CALL' AND r.owner = 'SYS' AND r.object_type = 'PACKAGE' AND (r.object_name, r.name) IN ( ('DBMS_UTILITY', 'EXEC_DDL_STATEMENT'), ('OWA_UTIL', 'BIND_VARIABLES'), ('OWA_UTIL', 'LISTPRINT'), ('OWA_UTIL', 'TABLEPRINT') ) UNION SELECT o.owner, o.object_type, o.object_name, 'SQL FROM JAVA SUSPECTED' FROM dba_objects o JOIN app_user u ON u.username = o.owner WHERE o.object_type = 'JAVA CLASS' UNION SELECT owner, object_type, object_name, 'PL/SCOPE METADATA MISSING' FROM missing_plscope_obj ), issue_aggr AS ( SELECT u.username AS owner, COUNT(i.owner) issue_count FROM app_user u LEFT JOIN issues i ON i.owner = u.username GROUP BY u.username ), summary AS ( SELECT owner, CASE WHEN issue_count = 0 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END AS is_user_sql_injection_free, issue_count FROM issue_aggr ORDER BY is_user_sql_injection_free DESC, owner ) -- main SELECT * FROM issues WHERE owner LIKE 'THE%'; OWNER OBJECT_TYPE OBJECT_NAME POTENTIAL_SQLI_RISK ------------- ------------- ----------- ---------------------------------------- THE_BAD_API JAVA CLASS C SQL FROM JAVA SUSPECTED THE_BAD_API PACKAGE BODY PKG EXECUTE IMMEDIATE THE_BAD_API PACKAGE BODY PKG2 DBMS_DDL THE_BAD_API PACKAGE BODY PKG2 DBMS_SQL THE_BAD_API PACKAGE BODY PKG2 DBMS_SYS_SQL THE_BAD_API PACKAGE BODY PKG2 DBMS_UTILITY.EXEC_DDL_STATEMENT THE_BAD_API PACKAGE BODY PKG2 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE THE_BAD_API PACKAGE BODY PKG2 OPEN-FOR WITH DYNAMIC SQL THE_BAD_API PACKAGE BODY PKG2 OWA_UTIL.LISTPRINT 9 rows selected.
To suspect that every JAVA CLASS uses SQL is not a very differentiated analysis result. Further Java specific code analysis are necessary. However, the other results are reasonable.
In this blog post I showed how to prove, that a PL/SQL application does not use dynamic SQL and therefore is secured against SQL injection attacks.
The use of dynamic SQL is automatically reduced in PL/SQL due to the fact that it is easier and more efficient for a developer to deal with compile errors than runtime errors. But there are cases when static SQL is not possible or not efficient enough. In those cases proper input validation is a necessity to mitigate the SQL injection risk (see also “Ensuring the safety of a SQL literal” in How to write SQL injection proof PL/SQL).
Views are often part of the API in applications I’m involved in. I like the power and the flexibility of these views. In fact I’m very grateful that the Oracle database provides a view API for its data dictionary, which simplified the analysis for this blog post. But views come with a SQL injection risk. Moreover the risk and responsibility is delegated to a certain extend to the developers using the database API. Hence, in the future I will think twice before making views part of the API, but I will for sure not rule them out per se.