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The Pink Database Paradigm (PinkDB)


1. Introduction

The Pink Database paradigm (PinkDB) is an application architecture for database centric applications. It is focusing on relational database systems and is vendor neutral. The principles are based on the ideas of SmartDB, with some adaptions that make PinkDB easier to apply in existing development environments. An important feature of a PinkDB application is that it uses set-based SQL to conserve resources and deliver best performance.

Connect User

The connect user does not own objects. No tables. No views. No synonyms. No stored objects. It follows the principle of least privileges.

API Schema

The API schema owns the API to the data. Access is granted on bases of the principle of least privileges. The API consists of stored objects and views, but no tables.


The data ist stored in a data model using the features of the underlying database system for consistency. It is protected by the API and processed by set-based SQL for best performance.

2. Features

An application implementing PinkDB has following features:

  1. The connect user does not own database objects
  2. The connect user has access to API objects only
  3. The API consists of stored objects and views
  4. Data is processed by set-based operations
  5. Exceptions are documented

2.1. The connect user does not own database objects

The connect user is used by application components outside of the database to interact with the database. It is configured for example in the connection pool of the middle tier application.

The connect user must access only the APIs of the underlying database applications. It must not own database database objects such as tables, views, synonyms or stored objects.

The principle of least privileges is followed.

This is 100 percent identical to SmartDB.

2.2. The connect user has access to API objects only

Database tables are guarded behind an API. The connect user must not have privileges to access objects that are not part of the API, e.g. via SELECT ANY TABLE privileges or similar.

The principle of least privileges is followed.

2.3 The API consist of stored objects and views

The API schema owns the API to the data. Access is granted on bases of the principle of least privileges. The API consists of stored objects and views, but no tables.

2.4 Data is processed by set-based operations

The data ist stored in a data model using the features of the underlying database system for consistency. It is not necessary to store tables, indexes, etc. in a dedicated schema. But it is mandatory, that the data is protected by the API.

Set-based SQL ist the key to good performance. It means that you are using the database as a processing engine and not as a data store only. You should avoid row-by-row processing when set-based SQL is feasible and noticeably faster. This means that row-by-row processing is acceptable, e.g. to update a few rows via GUI, but not for batch processing where set-based operations are by factors faster. Using stored objects for batch processing simplifies the work. Set-based processing becomes natural.

You should make it a habit to minimize the total number of executed SQL statements to get a job done. Less loops, more set-based SQL. In the end it is simpler. You tell the database what you want and the optimizer figures out how to do it efficiently.

2.5 Exceptions are documented

All these features are understood as recommendations. They should be followed. Without exceptions. However, in real projects we have to deal with limitations and bugs and sometimes it is necessary to break rules. Document the reason for the exception and make sure that the exception does not become the rule.

3. Differences to SmartDB

SmartDB is targeting PL/SQL and therefore focusing on Oracle Databases. PinkDB is vendor agnostic and can be applied on SQL Server, Db2, Teradata, EnterpriseDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, HSQL, etc. This does not mean that just a common superset of database features should be used, quite the contrary. Use the features of the underlying systems to get the best value, even if they are vendor specific.

The API in SmartDB consists of PL/SQL units only. No exceptions. PinkDB allows views. In fact they are an excellent API for various use-cases. For example reporting tools using SQL to access star schemas or using a MDX adapter to access logical cubes based on analytic views. APEX is another example. You develop efficiently with APEX when your reports and screens are based on views (or tables). Using stored objects only to access Oracle database sources is working against the tool. However, you have to be careful. Using views only can be dangerous and most probably will violate sooner or later the “data is processed by set-based operations” feature, if you do not pay attention. Other examples are applications built with JOOQ. JOOQ makes static SQL possible within Java. The productivity is comparable to PL/SQL. It’s natural to write set-based SQL. These examples show that defining NoPlsql (NoStoredObjects) as the opposite of SmartDB is misleading, since it describes something bad. NoPlsql is not bad per se. It really depends how you use the database. If you use it as a processing engine then this cannot be bad. In fact it is excellent. This is probably the biggest difference between SmartDB and PinkDB.

SmartDB has this weird requirement that all SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and MERGE statements must be written by human hand (within PL/SQL). No generators are allowed. PinkDB welcomes generators to increase the productivity and consistency of the result.

The last difference are transaction control statements. SmartDB enforces them to be part of the PL/SQL API. PinkDB allows the use of COMMIT and ROLLBACK outside of the database. However, if a stored object call is covering the complete transaction, it should take also the responsibility of the final COMMIT.

SmartDB and PinkDB have the same ancestors. I see PinkDB as the understanding sister of her wise, but sometimes a bit stubborn brother SmartDB.

4. Related Resources

As I said, PinkDB and SmartDB are related. That’s why all SmartDB documents are also interesting for PinkDB. Steven Feuerstein is maintaining a SmartDB Resource Center. You find a lot of useful information and links there. I highly recommend to look at Toon Koppelaar’s excellent video and slide deck. Toon really knows what he is talking about. Would you like to know if your database application is SmartDB compliant? Then see my previous blog post. There’s a script you can run to find out.

The post The Pink Database Paradigm (PinkDB) appeared first on Philipp Salvisberg's Blog.

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