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SmartDB as of 2018-08-21



This is a transcription of the recorded Ask TOM #SmartDB Office Hours from August 21, 2018, where Bryn Llewellyn presented an updated, narrow definition of the Smart Database Paradigm (SmartDB). It covers the time between 05:55 to 12:19. A big thank you to Bryn for taking the time to clarify the SmartDB definition.

I highly recommend watching the whole recording. Personally, however, I find it easier to browse through written documents, rather than watch videos and/or listen to audio streams. I hope you find this transcription useful, as well.

I took the liberty of adding headers for the SmartDB properties I’ve described in this post. At that time I assumed that all these five properties were mandatory, which in fact only holds true for the first two.

SmartDB Definition

This I think is the terse and appropriate definition of our Smart Database Paradigm. And it’s as simple as this.

1. The connect user does not own database objects

By conventional regime of credentials publication – you know there is a database and there is client code that connects and it would be a miracle if anyone would set up any regime where ordinary client code connects as sys and from that you can deduce that client code is given credentials of certain users, so that it connects and do stuff. And it’s not given credentials of other users who are considered to be more private within the database. And it’s very simple to arrange that you give credentials out to the outside world only to schemas (there is no reason that it should be only one, but it’s easier to talk as it is one) […] which are empty of objects and which when they are created have zero privileges apart from the obvious create session.

That’s the starting point. And we won’t fuss with whatever public privileges, there’s no sensible way to talk ‘bout that and we leave that out of the picture.

2. The connect user can execute PL/SQL API units only

And then […] the user who owns that empty schema is given exactly and only execute privileges on a well-defined set of PL/SQL subprograms who have been designed to be the API of the application backend that the database hosts to the outside world. And that means by construction the only sensible thing, why I should say the only thing at all you can do (if you don’t trouble ourselves with select * from all_users or something silly like that) is execute these API subprograms. And they’re designed to be single operations, so it would be very funny, if you wrote begin and then api.number1;, api.number2; and so on, but here is no way to stop anyone doing that. But the spirit of it is, that each time you do a top-level database call, you call just one subprogram. And indeed, it’s the case that these very straight forward procedural set of steps ensures, that the people who know the credentials you’ve given out, can only invoke your API subprograms.

And that is the Smart Database Paradigm.

SmartDB Recommendations

Everything else that we say under the umbrella of it, is let’s say recommendations, icing on the cake and notions that could be useful as applications get bigger and bigger and more complex.

3. PL/SQL API units handle transactions

But you can see that a straight corollary of that statement of the paradigm is that, obviously we assume that there’s tables and someone’s gonna put stuff in and get stuff out by select. Where those SQL gonna come from? Well, they cannot come from the outside world by construction. In other words, the insert, update, delete and commit of course, and select statements that […] must be issued to implement the application’s purpose, they can only come out of PL/SQL code inside the database. Okay. So, if I state the paradigm as I did at first, then this bit here, let me highlight it

is not a statement of the paradigm, it’s a theorem that you could deduce from that axiom that is the paradigm. Okay.

4. SQL statements are written by human hand

And now this bit

has troubled a lot of people. It’s not […] at all a requirement that you use only static SQL, it’s just a happy fact, that the huge majority of requirements for SQL and ordinary OLTP applications are well met by PL/SQL static SQL. And that’s why I’ve put the word “probably” there. And there’s a huge advantage in using static SQL of course, because of all the rich metadata that you can get to learn various properties of the application in a heartbeat like these days in 12.2 where are the inserts happening and what tables are involved and what inserts at what statement locations, right. Just by querying up the right metadata tables.

And this one here

is hugely contentious. My point (and Toon’s too) is that SQL is a very natural language. It maps perfectly on to the way people talk about the information requirement in the business world. All this entity-relationship modeling stuff that maps so directly onto tables. And if you write your SQL ordinarily by human hand, well it’s not going to be that difficult in the common case, because it wraps, I should say maps so obviously to the real world that your application is modeling. That’s not to say that there’s anything in the Smart Database Paradigm that prohibits generated SQL. Not at all. And there was a huge misunderstanding about that in Twitter. Rather it means, that it’s not particularly remarkable if one writes SQL to achieve the end goal.

There’s gotta be programming involved. Some of the programming is in PL/SQL and some of it is in SQL. These two languages are a very natural fit for the task at hand, that’s all.

5. SQL statements exploit the full power of set-based SQL

And then the next bit, again you know,

it would be so so sensible and proper to exploit the full set-based power of SQL. You can get correct result if you do row-by-row slow-by-slow. But why would you do that, if you understand SQL, which you would. And if you write this stuff by hand, which you likely to find easy enough, that you wouldn’t worry doing it any other way. And the same goes about using the bulk binding constructs.


The post SmartDB as of 2018-08-21 appeared first on Philipp Salvisberg's Blog.

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