View-API for JOOQ Application
In this blog post I show how to build a read-only view-API for Oracle’s HR sample schema. And I will use this view-API in a JOOQ application. This application will fully comply with the Pink Database...
View ArticleUse the Database as Persistence Layer Only
Using the database as persistence layer only is an anti-pattern. Praful Todkar applies this anti-pattern in How to extract a data-rich service from a monolith. Martin Fowler reviewed this article and...
View ArticleSmartDB as of 2018-06-12
This is a transcription of Bryn Llewellyn’s talk Guarding Your Data Behind a Hard Shell PL/SQL API—the Detail recorded at Kscope18. It covers the time between 08:06 to 11:03. This definition was the...
View ArticleSmartDB as of 2018-08-21
Introduction This is a transcription of the recorded Ask TOM #SmartDB Office Hours from August 21, 2018, where Bryn Llewellyn presented an updated, narrow definition of the Smart Database Paradigm...
View ArticleRegular Expressions in SQL by Examples
Are you reluctant to use regular expressions in SQL? Then continue reading. Examples helped me to understand regular expressions years ago. Thus I hope this collection of simple examples and the...
View ArticleMemOptimized RowStore in Oracle Database 19c
Since February, 13 2019 Oracle Database 19c is available. I blogged about this feature here and here. Time for an update. So, what’s new in 19c regarding the MemOptimized Rowstore? Fast Lookup Works...
View ArticleUsing DBMS_DEBUG in SQL Developer
Do you need to debug PL/SQL units in SQL Developer? You can’t get it to work because someone refuses to open TCP ports between your database and your client? No problem. You can still configure the...
View ArticleRunning utPLSQL Tests in SQL Developer
Introduction In November 2017 Jacek Gebal asked me if I could help to integrate utPLSQL into SQL Developer. In January 2018 we released the first MVP. Tests were executed in a new SQL Developer...
View ArticleIntegrate SQL*Plus Scripts in SQL Developer
I envy my DBA colleagues when they work with the Oracle Database from the command line in an incredibly efficient way. They just call a series of scripts with some parameters to get the desired...
View ArticleConstants vs. Parameterless Functions
Do you use parameterless PL/SQL functions in your queries? Did you know that this may cause performance issues? In this blog post I explain why parameterless functions can be the reason for bad...
View ArticleUpdate Center for Free SQL Developer Extensions
Introduction In July 2017 Oracle announced to release updates for SQL Developer on a quarterly basis. Installing multiple versions of SQL Developer on the same machine is not a problem. Therefore many...
View ArticleMoving to GitHub
Over the years, my blog has become one big mess. It was no longer a blog. It contained product pages, change logs, software downloads, FAQs and even a forum. That was a nice experiment. But now it’s...
View ArticleFormatting Code With SQL Developer
Introduction I started using SQL Developer in 2013. Back then version 4.0 was the latest and greatest. But the capabilities of the formatter were disappointing. In 2017 Oracle released version 4.2 with...
View ArticleSyntax Highlighting With SQL Developer
Introduction A customer asked me if it is possible to show unused identifiers in SQL Developer. Since there is no PL/SQL compile warning for that, you might be tempted to say no. But you can always use...
View ArticleBye bye Xtend, Welcome Java
Introduction The utPLSQL extension for SQL Developer was originally written in Xtend. In this blog post I explain why we decided to migrate the project to Java and how we’ve done that. Why Replace...
View ArticleutPLSQL for SQL Developer 1.2 – What’s New?
Today I released an update of the utPLSQL extension for SQL Developer. In this blog post I explain the changes in the latest version 1.2. These are the new features: Debug Test Cancel Test Run Test Run...
View ArticleNames Matter
This is one of my favorite quotes: There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. — Phil Karlton IT is my daily live. And this quote is so true. Lately I’ve...
View ArticleFormatting SQL Scripts in a Directory Tree with SQLcl
Introduction Oracle’s SQL Developer can format code in any worksheet and PL/SQL editor. The formatter is highly configurable and the default formatting results are becoming better with every version....
View ArticleAlways Free Autonomous JSON Database?
Introduction Oracle just released the Autonomous JSON Database (AJD). This is a special version of the Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) database focussing on managing JSON documents via Simple...
View ArticleFormatting SQL Code Blocks in Markdown Files
Introduction Everything Changes. Our Trivadis SQL & PL/SQL Coding Guidelines are no exceptions. We plan to change rule #1 of our coding styles. From “Keywords are written uppercase, names are...
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